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+555 - Sky's doing what I do in the mornings, only she cleaned up a bit first. xD

Enter someone. Sky had been up since early that morning, much to her dismay. Her pretty little goat friend had been cooped up to the stone room downstairs, and her bedroom, only entering the rest of the house when she was present. As such, when she slept, Casper was right there on the bed with her, curled like a dog at her feet. This also resulted in early morning, since the goat was an early bird, especially in the presence of still so many wolves living in the house. Poor boy had been restless all week because of it.

The pretty wolfdog was up and about in her room, cleaning a mess that had managed to appear over the last week, where she'd had no time to bother with it. Folding up some laundry and slipping it away into her dresser, her chore was finished. This left her with another daunting task, though; cleaning the rest of the house, now in shambles (in her opinion) thanks to the constant flow of company.

She paused on her way to the hall, hand on the doorknob, Capser at her heels. Letting her head fall against the door, nose down and eyes closed, she sighed heavily. This whole week has been insane. If it's not one thing, it's another, and this damn storm has kept me from getting anything done at all. She opened her eyes, noticing Casper was now directly below her, returning her stare with a concerned look. She forced a smile. "'Ey, it's fine, kid. I just need to go downstairs. You stay right here and out of the way, m'kay?"

The goat bayed his response, and trotted back over to the bed, hopping up and seeming to go down for another nap. Lucky bastard. Sky rolled here eyes and headed out into the main house, closing her door with a 'click' behind her and silently moving to the top of the stairs. No one's up yet, or they've gone out. I don't hear any movement... Shrugging, she trotted silently down the steps, glad she'd trimmed her claws the night before, as her steps made absolutely no sound as she walked.

Turning the corner, she glanced into the livingroom. The couch was empty now, its previous user having gotten up and left. The floor, however, was still in use. There he lay, lazy and comfortable on some blankets, sleeping in... or not, as Sky noticed her boyfriend's eyes were open, if only a crack. She smirked, a wry expression befitting a fox more than a mutt.

Her silent steps carried her into the livingroom and up behind him, hands clasped behind her back, tail twitching at the tip. That smirk still remained. "Oh, fearless leader...." Soft as silk, she didn't even hesitate after she spoke, arms snapping out infront of her...

And in a moment, she was on him, sort of pouncing him from above, affectionately growling as she came to land on her side beside him, tail lazily flopped over his hip, one leg doing the same. "Goooood morning, my darling Shawchert." Though her words were kind in meaning, her tone was less so, almost irritated. "Sleeping in when there's so much to do. Tsk tsk, I thought you were supposed to be our alpha, not our lazy omega." Ah, so she -was- teasing.

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