If it has made you colder

Tayui is a BAMF; maybe she can teach Kesho 8D Also, I never realized how many threads I'd had with Gabe and Kae until I started digging through my archives. XD (471).

He did not really respond until her last comment. Finally: a reaction. She had been holding her breath, waiting to see if this old warrior would suddenly remind her where scars came from and leap into battle. Tayui was no seasoned veteran, so she could only hope that this meeting would remain cordial. Once he raised his eyebrows, she let out a tiny breath she had been holding. He looked interested now, with his ears perked forward and his body facing her. Quickly, the expression changed and he frowned and looked away. She wasn’t sure what she had done to cause such an interesting – and somewhat concerning – response, but she hoped it was not a bad thing. She really did not need any enemies. Not yet at least – she still had a long way to go before she could start making enemies.

When he spoke, it wasn’t quite what she was expecting. He seemed uncertain about something (her?) but she couldn’t put her paw on it. He quickly revealed that he didn’t have a very easy time sleeping, to which she just nodded. She accepted his words readily, but did not comment. She understood now how difficult sleep could be even after it used to come so easily.

He introduced himself as Kesho and Tayui nodded again. “It’s nice to meet you, Kesho,” she replied. Certainly, she would say that to anyone friendly and anyone who could easily kill her – better to make friends, right? She drifted off for a moment thinking about this when Kesho spoke again, reeling her back in to the conversation. She blinked as she heard him scramble for words and then pose a question. This time, she raised her brow in response and perked her ears forward, curious to know why he wanted to know.

“I met her first years ago, before the fire. We were both leaders at the time – she of Inferni and I of Jaded Shadows alongside another wolf. Inferni attacked a neighbouring pack and I wanted to ask why. I was horribly curious and I’m surprised she didn’t just do away with me then. But she didn’t and I remembered it. So after the fire, I started a new pack in the same area where Anathema now is. During the First Dahlian War, I found Gabriel and pronounced my pack to be neutral to the whole conflict. After that pack fell, I left and found a new home. Some things happened, but I found my way back here and met with Kaena a few more times. We talked about the Second Dahlian War and I guess we helped each other through some rough spots.” She paused. “I don’t know if we’re friends, but I respect her. And Gabriel. They’re certainly something. They’ve both helped me in different ways.” She owed them – something.


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