(M) Dreaming of the future

Hybrid was hopping from rock to rock, hill to hill, and eventually mountain to mountain. He had ended up much farther south than he had anticipated, but eventually found his way back. From his lofty perch atop a peak, he could see Inferni below. He didn’t know how he knew it was indeed Inferni and not just another bay, but he felt as though it was real. This was all so real.

Soon, he was descending down the mountain in swift steps. He arrived at the base of the mountain and glanced around. For a moment, he forgot where he was and he felt his body suddenly consumed with a strange sense of lightness. He glanced down at his feet and realized he was beginning to drift away! He flailed around, but it only sent him floating farther away from the ground. Oh no! He didn’t want to drift out into the sky and die! Quickly, he grabbed hold of a nearby branch and grabbed it with his teeth. He felt his lower body begin to drift away and reached out to grab the branch with his halfway-form paws. Eventually, he pulled himself into the tree with his forepaws and teeth. He dug in his claws to the tree and pulled himself down. Quickly, he stood up, and was surprised to find himself in Optime form. How odd.

He glanced around and heard a voice not too far away. Still holding on to the tree, he peered around to see a coyote lounging on a rock.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” he spat. Fucking women.


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