Lesson Learnt
'Yeah' J'adore smiled, 'But,mI doubt he'll be ready when you are. So you can ride Fuerte till he's ready'. He was sure she wouldn't mind. In the end she would still ride the chestnut Don horse.

'Either languages or duties' he mused. Either way he'd be happy to teach her. From the sofa where he sat he could see his axe, he could show her that. It was the only one he used for chopping trees for the fire.Not just the great fire but for all the fires in th packlands. He hoped she'd pick duties, he had memorised the off by heart and now did them every day, even if the stocks were full.

He looked towards the door, toward the small alcove filled high with logs. He then looked towards the fireplace, where a set of fire tending tools lay. He had bought these when he returned to Nova Scotia, they were decorated with dancing stallions, andulusian stallions to be exact.

The axes and the poker set were his own fire relics. Though they were not important to the tribe, they held a specific meaning to him.

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