It burns and it shrieks; My flesh I will peel back
WARNING This thread contains: strong language, drug usage, strong violence, or strong sexual content starting with the 1st post. Reader discretion is advised.

26th Febuary 2011
Just outside Kaena's cave

WC: 847

He had waited for her to come back, he had sat and waited for hours showing a aptitude for patience he did not normally posses. Despite the fact that he now knew a few members of Inferni, with the prospect of getting to know more she was still the number one in his eyes, the highest of them all. After the crimson and fire orange sun had slowly settled into the horizon behind the halycon mountains he had worried and stressed, pacing upon his spot outside of her den, his emotions in a turmoil. Finally exhaustion upon his scrawny body had taken its toll and pulled him into the depths of sleep but it was not restful nor peaceful nor soothing, for in his dreams the monsters came out to play with the madness within.

In his mind blood splattered upon the walls and floors, dripped from the ceiling, great pools of it everywhere. He screamed and ran, maniacal laughter followed in his paw prints and bloody, evil eyes stared at him from all directions. Her shadow pursued him, claws skittering upon the ground and red flashed against shadows as it morphed and shrank. Then suddenly it was in front of him and lashed out. He felt pain and the warmth of his own blood, he pulled away only to see his own reflection, now he was without an ear, forever maimed and ruined by life and by her. She was cloaked in darkness; coming closer and closer and snatched forwards again, this time taking chunks of his fur and flesh within her gaping jaws, the teeth they held wicked sharp and yellowed with age and now also stained a deep hue with the life that rushed within his veins.

He turned tail and ran again, her maw clicking shut just short of his tail....and she followed, down into the darkness, down into the ravages of his very soul where hatred bloomed deep and dark like a midnight flower that thrived on his torture and fed from his anguish. The voices of his siblings spoke up, three brothers and one sister. He covered his ears as best he could and howled, howled out his misery very much like a wolf would have done. Why had he let them die? He was the oldest he was supposed to protect, to defend and he had failed. He had failed them and their trust, they had died from his failure to protect them against thier fucked up mother.

Now she came for all of them, her pelt as red and bloody colored as he could remember, the same as her eyes that spoke of her hatred and their murder. He stood out in front with his siblings pushed behind him; he would not fail them again, he would stand and he would fight, fight for their innocence, fight for their love and fight for their lives. Closer she loomed, with her glinting mad eyes and her insane smile that promised only pain and more pain upon them. He would fight and fight and fight for all the strength in his body he would fight.

As he leapt forwards, his anger giving him the speed of kings and the strength of armies that marched on their loyalties so the she-devil too echoed his movements but this time she would not win. With a loud snarling they collided and red spilled, covering his vision and a voice spoke to him.....In a year's time she would come for him, in a year's time she would threaten those most dearest to him, in a year's time he would rip her shriveled black heart from her devils chest and he would feast upon it while her body lay unrespected; held up by the spike that would spear her despicable form. And he would howl to the sky like the wolves did, her body would show the enemies of Inferni that they should be wary and step with fear.

But for now his strength was naught, and his speed no match for hers and as El Diablo's hellish jaws closed around his neck and ripped, Makhesthai Lykoi woke from the dream with his heart pounding a dead man's beat, his limbs quivering and shaking and a death scream bellowing up and out from between his small jaws, blasting out from his form to travel far, echoing from the trees, the rocks, the sky.

His body, it was on fire, it burned and burned him like the lightning that struck in storms. His limbs, they twisted and writhed. Snakes crawled around inside of him and his feverish mind clenched and rebelled against the feel of it, the fire's burn increased and he was enveloped, unknowing that this torture he went through would propel him to a form that he didn't even know he held within his body. Another scream welled up inside of him, this one laced with the fear that resided soul deep, as his form twisted and shifted back and forth, caught somewhere between lupus, secui and optime and the young pup wailed his agony for all who could hear it

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