Panic and Tears
Shiloh laughed as Saphrina claimed her and everything around her as hers. She bit her hand again her little teeth sharp but not sharp enough to break Shiloh's skin. Saphrina reminded her of her sister Anya and as she sat on Shiloh's head she felt like she had her sister back. She pulled the young pup down from her perch and handed her to Ralla who looked more concerned then anything because she had been bit more then once. "Would you like a bowl of stew as well? The two of us can't finish the whole pot, I'm afraid." asked Ralla as Shiloh went to sit next to Saphrina. "I am very hungry. I wouldn't mind a bowl of stew. I haven't eaten much since I got here so anything would be nice." said Shiloh smiling at Saphrina. She pulled the pup into her lap and grabbed Saphrina's bowl of stew for her. She held her and handed her the bowl of food, telling her that she needed to eat to grow up strong and healthy.

Shiloh enjoyed holding Saphrina close and wished she could stay like that forever but she had things she had to do. She was already close to the pup and they just met. She wanted to give the child something worth while and decided to give her her totem. "Here little one. This is very special to me and I want you to have it. Keep it close to you and don't take it off. If you ever get lost look for this animal to guide you back home." she said tying the totem to the child's wrist.

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