Running in circles
wc 437

Very little movement could be heard on the avenue of the Valley territory. The pack was still in shock, buried under their misfortunes in snow and heaps of broken building and wood. Spring would be the bringer of cheerier times for the Phoenix pack. When the snow melted away and homes were rebuilt, things would be anew and life would go on as it normally had. How unfortunate was it that they had sustained such vile damage? Were the rest of the packs up such bad damage? Tala had a thick cape of worry for her friends in other packs, Alaki in Anathema, Gideon in Dahlia De Mai and Shaw in Cercatori D'Arte. Were they all alright? The itch to know had her pacing at night. Tala could only pray that her friends were all safe, just as she hoped her entire pack was coping well. Tala would have a busy mind for quite some time at this rate.

There was a padding on the distant snow that caused dark ears to perk. Her ears swiveled to the side and her head followed shortly after. To her surprise it was a man, with a dainty little snow on his shoulder. Her nose caught the scent of the Valley on him, and all worry faded away. She did not know him, but that did not mean she would not like to. He approached her, bowing at her and Tala gave him a soft, friendly smile on her maw before her head dipped in a returning polite gesture. Well, at least the brute had manners. He asked of horses then and her head shook. She had not seen any of the bigger livestock return. ""I'm sorry to say I have not. I believe the horses took to the forest to get better shelter." She had seen traces and trails from their hooves and mass. Hopefully they were still there and not run amok out of the territory.

He introduced himself and the bird and Tala gave a genuine smile to him. Yes, he was a very polite soul. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Falgar. My name is Tala Djose. It's always nice to meet another pack member, as well as their companion." Her feminine rasp was soft and gentle on the cold winter air. Her accident had weakened her voice, and it had not yet fully recovered. The crow was watching her with wary eyes and Tala just sent a reassuring smile to the creature. "It's alright, I will not hurt you." yes, the fae knew lowspeech. She was quite proud of the little fact now as well.


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