(J!) Wanderer's daughter.

The creature's second head took on a look of surprise, and as he slid off of the horse's back, Tatiana heard him say something interesting. "I am a wolf, just as you are." This caused her to be just as confused - for surely he smelled like a wolf, and now that she understood that the creature was not actually attached to the horse, he looked like a wolf. But then at the same time, he was like no other wolf she had ever seen. "What?" The girl whispered, flicking her ears to catch his next words; the stranger explained the fence next, and she took a glance over at it. "It marks the boundaries of the tribe's lands. Certainly you picked up on the scent?"

"Yes, but," She confirmed his thoughts as she raised herself back to full height, keeping her tail against her belly regardless of his behavior. "I found no wolves when I approached, and thought that you had done something to them." Tatiana felt silly, and still very much afraid. The creature - no, not a creature - wolf. The wolf was so strange to her, standing up like that. She glanced at her own legs and then took a step forwards, inspecting his feet - sniffing at them, looking at their extra bend. "You are truly a wolf? But wolves.. They walk the way I walk." To emphasize this (even if it didn't need to be emphasized), Tatiana tried to rear up on her own hind legs. She staggered backwards while her front limbs flailed, and then set herself back down. There was no way for her to stand up the way he did; so then, how could he do it? Obviously the stranger was a different species altogether. Perhaps the next step in the evolution of the wolf? The nagging feeling still held her mind in a state of confusion, though. Something about the two-legged wolf was familiar, even if she was confused by it. "I have heard stories of creatures like you, but have never encountered one before-" Now the female began to circle him, walking in a half moon around one side and then turning around, and walking back to her original spot.

"What are you?" Oh, where were her manners! Mother would be horrified if she was watching the way her daughter was reacting. Scared, submissive, pathetic. Noska would be berating her; even now with her sister so far away, Tatiana could hear her sister's voice telling her to stop being such a pansy. With a small breath to try and give her strength, the red wolf asked a more polite question, looking rather sheepish. "I mean, who are you? What am I to call you, if you are not a creature?"


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