I've been gone for far to long.

She was no longer the happy go lucky female that was once, she was cold, she knew the pain of being alone in the most needed times. She had gone out willing to admit to falling in love with some one that would have been killed for being so damn impure. She slipped a thin frail leg in and she popped out her hip, she was nothing more then mere skin and bones. She laughed as he fell down playing out how miserable that he was, and seeking that much forgiveness. ”Wow…Did you and Ty meet? Because you were in control when I was there…Your life was threaten, you defend your life and the life of that someone you so said you loved. But hey whatever….Now let’s get to it…Are you here for a quick fuck or what?” She brought her hand off her hip as she looked around finding a rock to lean upon, she wanted it to look like she was trying to be sexy, but really there was more of a reason than that.

”Really Itzal I’m not a mind reader, you need to tell me why you’re here. Nankio don’t like just any one wondering around the border lines. She is very protective of her pack, and all that is in it, and as her sister it’s my job to make sure that her wishes are followed out. So tell me why you’re here or I’ll call one of the Warriors to run you out.” She sneered as she moved around the rock leaning on it, using it to holder her body up. Her tail was down at her legs.


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