J'adore turned to the pups and smiled, 'Well I was going to show you and then show you again when you guys can shift, so you can try for yourself'. He turned back to his fire, allowing the two children to converse.

'I'm five' Gunnar said, smiling and feeling a little more confortable. 'Yah, daddy's baby horse, he said your gonna ride him when you can shift!' Gunnar wasn't jealous however. As much as he liked horses, he wanted to learn how to use his own body before he learnt to ride. Optime form was a mystery to the wolf dog as of yet. Gunnar was always intrigued by optime form, Secui form, as far as he could see, was the same as Lupus and therefore nothing special. But Optime form was a whole different thing. It was the legs that intrested him, there seemed to be so much power in J'adore legs and he knew that J'adore's speed was his greatest asset. So maybe he could train and be fast to.

There was a sudden pleased sigh from beside the puppies and both turned to get a good luck at whatever J'adore had done. 'Okay guys' J'adore said all of a sudden, The fire is ready'.

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