Souls charries based on....?
Mew's name was largely based on the danish pop/rock-band Mew, whose music is quite depressing, but beautiful. Her personality emerged on its own, but I liked to use Mew lyrics, as well as lyrics from Thomas Dybahl, with her, and this has undoubtedly affected my playing.

Dawali is just cool. I have no basis for him at all XD

Vesle was created entirely out of an romantic poem cycle named Haugtussa. I never got to complete her story, which was going to be a roleplayed, modernized, more realistic version of that poem only with wolves. The poem features a fair bit of old Norwegian folk beliefs. She would have been so cool! Sad

Emwe was just retarded and happy and based on nothing. If he was subconsciously based on something, it had to be my previous character Raymond, who had some very noticeable mental challenges ;D He wasn't based on anything, but me and Libri created him on the tube in London while on vacation. It was a very good brainstorming session, that XD

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