Angels came to light your path
Orin Takekuro

:: 500+ ♥ Word Count ::
:: Puppies next post! Shaw, feel free to bring him back around at any point you have the time. Otherwise, we'll just PP his lurky presence outside! (Note: PP previously approved by Shaw!) ::

She waited expectantly for Shawchert to round the corner, but nothing returned from that shadow but dead silence. Orin's temper ascended to its peak again with each unanswered second, and the apology in her features began to mutate. The woman looked like she was just about to lash out with harsh words again when her gaze caught Alaine. It was like the woman was her rock, a center point, and each time she looked at her it was like she was suddenly reminded of what was actually happening. Her body was preparing for a rapid change and it was taking a toll on her mood. This was to be expected, although how each mother-to-be handled it was unique in its own right.

A half smile played at the corner of her mouth and she shook her head as though to chase away the bad words that percolated inside her. Now she was worried, though. She could have sworn Shawchert was right there. Had he actually run off or was he just too angry with her after that little scene to come round the corner and help now? Well, whatever the case, the onset of another contraction made her realize she needed to worry about that later.

“That sounds like a great idea,” she said as she stepped up to the door and opened it, waddling inside. Another wave was going to rock her in a few seconds, and she decided they were much easier to cope with when she was seated.

She seemed to slowly bend over with each step as the pain crept up on her. Trying to ignore it, she said in a halting voice, “I can't believe I forgot to ask...” it was a funny thing to say, since Orin was understandably preoccupied at the moment. “How are your – ah!” ...pause... breath... “pups?” With Alaine's assistance, she shuffled over to the pillow of coverings she had made a few days ago. Her own small, white fingers tightened their hold on Alaine's arm for a moment as she fought the wave, and with a turtle's swiftness and Alaine's help, she sat down in the nest, and then reclined.

“I think Shaw heard you, I'm sure he was still there,” she said idly, but her eyes were wrought with distress. Whether it was for Shawchert or for the quick progression of her labor was uncertain.

“The pain is getting worse,” she worried. “And faster. Ah! An... other... one! Oh! What was that?” She looked down with a furrowed brow. It felt like she was suddenly bleeding, and when she cast her eyes down the fur was matted and wet. “Is that normal?” Her gaze jerked back to Alaine, and there was a flash of fright in them. Orin knew nothing about this... she should have read up on it! Instead she was marching into this adventure blind, and as she realized that, she began to panic, and it was written all over the frightened look she gave Alaine.

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