Last friday night
It's ok, my post sucks too

The snow was chilling the paw pads of the ash dappled female to the point where it near ached to leave her foot in one spot for too long. The ice and snow had itched at her feet for so long already, they desired rest and a surface that was not wet and cold. If Tala could just sit somewhere long enough to let her feet calm she would be a very happy wolf. The words caused her ears to stand alert and her smile to become content. So, it was not known that anyone had died or gone missing. That was such a relief. "That's wonderful." This earthy woman seemed to be just as uncomfortable with the abundance of snow as Tala was. That was a slight relief, knowing that she was not the only one who hated the stuff.

Getting out of the snow seemed like a heavenly invitation. It did not take long for Tala to follow when Krystalle turned her back and began to walk. The Lupus form of the outsider trailed right behind the Cercatori woman. "Getting out of the snow seems like a good idea. My paws may be about ready to fall off." There was a subtle laugh that came from her throat as amber eyes watched her surroundings like she was a hawk and the trees were mice. "I've never been that far inside before. I tend to stay on the outskirts with whoever I am speaking too." It was true, Tala had yet to see the town this pack lived in.



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