A Cold Feeling
Saphrina kept coughing her head hurting her more and more, the fever lessend slightly but it was still to warm for her to withstand, it felt like her whole body was freezing cold but she felt warm. Ayasha was near her and she pressed into her sisters warmth.

Saphrina shivered slightly her temp going up again "Ayasha im cold" she said in a pain filled voice, she looked back to the cot and tryd to get up on shaky legs. She felt like the room was spinning so she layed back down and closed her eyes tightly hopeing for it to stop. She wiggled slightly trying to make it stop but it got worse, she felt like she was going to throw up, she opend her eyes and found and empty bucket and darted for it her short legs shaky but she made it just in time.

Saphrina hid her head in the bucket throwing up what little food she had eaten that day, she pulled her head out of the bucket and layed there by it shivering slightly. "Ayasha i feel sick" she said in a soft voice trying to sound okay but knew Ayasha knew that she wasnt. Saphrina closed her eyes tightly and continued to shiver trying to keep what tiny bit of food she had in her stomach in her stomach. She let out a sad sigh and continued to shiver her fever picking up again.

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