Those to Come
All welcome. 527

Nayru emerged from her green house for this first time in weeks, the day Conor had come to see her, knowing full well that she couldn't exist as a ghost any longer. That he had placed faith in her above any of the others, and the revelation he had provided her, confirmed that she had to re-enter her previous life, soon and with more enthusiasm than before. Yet that first day she could only sit in the sun, overwhelmed by the white of the world outside and the fresh air. So it was days even later than that when she finally emerged from the tall stone walls that enclosed her greenhouse home and very slowly she begun to tedious task of making rounds of the borders. The evidence of the snow storm had still not completely melted, but on some days the sun shone harder than others and slowly spring was trying to get a foot in the door. The snow, melting and refreezing, transformed the landscape into a sometimes wet, sometimes icy, winter swap. Nayru's foot falls were carefully chosen as she made her way from the very northern-eastern tip of the pack lands and slowly, very slowly and on four legs she moved westward, following the carefully marked borders.

Her head was still wrapped in a gauze, covering the patch of skin that had crudely been stitched and slowly was healing. Although the wound no longer bled and the cotton cloth provided no protection the girl did not remove it, not wishing to expose the ugly scar just yet. Perhaps in time her thick fur would cover the small line of skin that fur probably wouldn't grow back on. Some day it would be as if it had never happened, but for now Nayru wore the head bandage. And she moved as a lupus would. Although she had gotten in the habit of traveling and operating in her optime form, much preferring the use of hands to the increased speed of four legs, sometime told her to revert to her more primal and youthful form. With four legs she made better time than she would on two, and still the day was half over by the time she reached Berwick.

Instead of following along the borders then she turned north, passing into the tiny ghost town. Even now Wolfville was more of city than Berwick, and Nayru knew that if she were to continue north she would cross paths with someone. If she were to go into the center of town they would be coming and going from their own homes and it would not be long before Nayru was with company. Yet in Berwick in might be hours before anyone emerged from one of the falling down houses, or it might be never, and Nayru was prepared to wait. The time that elapsed would give her time to rest, which she realized she needed as her head began to pound and her legs were too tired to continue. In the sunniest patch of exposed grass she lowered herself, curling up to soak in the sun and wait for life to spring upon her again.

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