i missed the best part
[html]Unlike many Lykois before them, she and her brother were not at each other's throats, nor did they have any traces of insanity in them, at least not visibly to the public. She followed after her father in every way, true, but that didn't mean anything. She grinned brightly as her brother came waddling on over the horizon, and her thick tail swung every which way when he came up near her. His greeting was all but ignored for the moment as she returned his nuzzle with a tender lick to his nose, eyes bright.

They matched. It was kind of cute, except that it was quite normal for her to be the same as her brother in appearance. Her mother didn't have too much of a part of herself in them at all: Talitha and Ezekiel looked just like their father, but for the shining red eyes. Perhaps that meant something, or perhaps it didn't.

It was all up to the beholder, after all.

I'm jus'... Lookin'. That was the only explanation. Wh'r' a'e we?[/html]

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