J - The Voice
Name: Axle Sargos
Birthdate (including year): March 31 2010
Luperci: No
Regular Species: 50% Rocky Mountain Wolf, 50% Arctic Wolf
Gender: Male
Currently played characters: Just this one currently
How you found 'Souls: Google

The Smallish Wolf paded around lost and aimlessly. He didn't know a thing about his past, or why there was a voice telling him to seek out the Dahlia de Mai pack but, having no other options, he sniffed the air for something that didn't smell like trees, grass and dirt.

What was I thinking? I'll never find this pack. Wait... Is this it?

Axle's mind was running rampant this entire trip but suddenly this new smell stopped him in his tracks. He sniffed the air again. This definatly smelled like the Dahlia pack, which of course raised another question...

How do I know what they smell like? How do I know what anything smells like? How do I know anything?

That's when Axle heard that Voice again. The same voice that brought him here in the first place. That calming, soothing Voice that always seemed to know what was right.

Stay on track.

Of course. Stay on track. Make sure they know you're here.

Axle howled to signify to every nearby that he was waiting. when he did this he was at first supprized by the pure unnatural beauty of it. It brought about a memory of something long long ago...

Axle drooped his head and tail and ears in an instinctivly submissive manner and hope someone would show up...

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