HOw are we going to make it work when it hurts?
Shanta hadn't been able to sleep tonight. The Town Hall was full of wolves, new comers, like her, and others who's huts had been destroyed in the blizzard. Something in the air wasn't right, she didn't know what it was, but there was something out of place. The woman in her family(her mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and so on) all had a sense of these kinds of things, not a Seer, just the ability to "feel" their surroundings. Tonight was a rather dark night, the clouds blocking the moon and most of the stars. AS she got up, she checked the others around her, stepping over everyone quietly, sure not to wake anyone. As she reached the door, she pushed it open silently, just a crack, and slid her slender body out. The air was a little thick with humidity, but it wasn't unbearable.

Shanta made her way to the stables. If she was going to be up, she might as well be near beauties she loved, the horses. It was quite the trek, but she lengthened and quickened her strides. She noticed nocturnal animals out and about, doing the business others do in daylight. Her braids, a bit messy from her short sleep, blew gently in the breeze. Her Optime form had become her main form while in Aniwaya. The majority of wolves here were Luperci and found their Optime form quite useful. She enjoyed the ability to sit up and ride the horses, to weave her dream catchers, and to work on her jewelry. Finally, she reached the stables, opening the door carefully and doing her whistle that the horses were slowly learning, "Riii-Ruuu-Rooo" The horses turned to her, but none made any noise. She went to get tack for a nice mare she had been riding lately. She just grabbed reins and a headstall. She went back to the stall and got her mare set up.

She led the beautiful Paint outside. There wasn't much snow left, so the ride would be nice. Grabbing part of the mare's mane, she pulled herself up, gently, and swung her leg over, it was an easy process, something she had done many times. She patted the mare and clicked her tongue, lightly heeling her. The mare started to trot while Shanta bounced happily on her back. At that moment, she heard the sad howl of a pup, "Saphrina. . ." She had recognized the howl almost immediately. She turned the reins and directed the horse, she gave a kick and the horse galloped nicely. Her thighs held her balance as she looked around and kept her ears alert. She finally found Saphrina near a pond. She dismounted and tied the reins to a low branch.

She walked over to the small pup, "Saphrina?" she said gently as she approached. She knelt down, stroking the sad pup. Shanta could only guess that the pup was upset about her appearance, she was staring into her reflection. 'It must be her eye.' she thought to herself. The pup was gorgeous in Shanta's eyes, kind, loving, beautiful. Yet no matter one's appearance, they always saw something wrong, something Shanta always had problems with. Shanta picked up Saphrina and cradled her in her arms, rocking her. "Wana Chickal, you must understand, your eye is something that will always be there. Be grateful, you healed and are healthy." She stopped rocking the pup and put her in her lap.

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