The Future is Near
OOC: Sorry for the failpost.

J'adore pondered for a second, 'If you put the in a soft of... triangle shape and bind them at the top it may work'. He had lost his train of thoughts for a second before, searching for the word he needed. He reached over propping them up, 'If we us them as the main structure, we can use the smaller ones, the ones that are big enough to use as the branches, as extra supports between the three femur bones'. Picking up another two large bones and a pair of antlers, he lay them on the ground, the two large bones paralllel and the antlers above them. J'adore grabbed a few pieces of twine and seccured them together, lifting the whole thing up and thugging a little at the bones to make sure they were secure.

J'adore's eyes once again scanned the pile of bits and bobs, wondering what he could make for the decorations, nothing immediately came to mind but t this point it didn't mattter, they still needed to make the main frame. And anyhow, insipiration would strike his at the appropriate time wouldn't it? Even if it didn't art didn't have to look like anything,he could just stick a load of feathers together and call it art.

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