A Longing (Joining)
Character Name: Clarice
Character Birthdate (including year): 13 June 2009
Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci
Species: 50% Grey Wolf 50% Caspian Sea Wolf
Gender: Female
Currently played characters: Clarice
How you found 'Souls: A friend told me about it

Clarice woke up with a jolt, another dream about her old pack. She wished that they would just go away. She remembers the whole thing as if it were yesterday, not over a year ago. She remembers the fear she felt and the gore she saw. As well as the smell of death over the land. Also the terrible trek across the world to the land she heard so many stories of. She got up stiffly and started to walk.

Clarice stopped suddenly when she smelt a strong scent of other wolves. Her mother had taught her about boundaries, her mother had taught her almost everything she knew. Not knowing whether or not the pack was aggressive or passive, she let out a long but not to loud howl in hopes of getting someone's attention. She cautiously prepared to run if they attacked, but still had a sense of curiosity for the others.

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