the darkness comes (J - HIJAES, NEEDULUVU<3)

Character Name: Tlantli Kimaris

Character Birthdate: 02Nov2009

Wolf or Luperci?: Luperci

Species: 75% Canis latrans, 25% C.l. nubilus

Gender: Female

Currently Played Characters: Talitha Lykoi, Krystalle Horzana

Tlantli speaks with a Spanish accent; more specifically Mexican, with a hint of Bajan Creole. Optime form, with Citlali Kimaris-Etalpalli, her nephew/child.

"Keep ahp, Citlali."

Her voice was firm as she pushed herself forward; without rest, she could only hope that a new home was on the horizon. Firey eyes focused firmly on the mountains in the distance, leaving Tlantli Kimaris wondering where exactly she was. Miqui and Imacai had long since been lost to the other two Eternians, their sister and nephew having to pump through the snow and the storm without protection of the masculine force they offered. Briefly, she admitted that she missed the both of them, just as she had missed Xochime so long ago.

It seemed Momoztli was determined to keep the group separate.

The scarified coyote stopped along the invisible border of what was clearly marked territory, sniffing gently at the air while wondering who sat behind the wall. To her untrained eyes, she saw nothing strange, just more land; to her ears, however, she heard the world. There was definitely something waiting. Something that could offer her and the young nephew-child she was raising so diligently a home. Her head turned toward the body of the boy, clicking her tongue against the sharp teeth housed within her small jaws.

Tlantli's nose turned skyward, releasing a sharp howl of a bark into the air. The hope was to alert someone of their presence, and as the sound reached the stony mountains, she knew it would serve its purpose. "An' nao, we waite." In a fluid, inelegant gesture better suited for a man, the Eternian sat on the cold ground, focused on searching out a stranger's face.

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