the darkness comes (J - HIJAES, NEEDULUVU<3)

Citlali seemed to relax at her touch, leaving the Kimaris woman comforted that he would not spend his youth so wholly frightened of the world. She had yet to teach him social skills that adhered to the world; after all, she had spent much of her time with the pirates and merchants of Barbados while he was growing up, hoping to make fare to get them far from the island. Without other children his age, she worried that he had become internalized.

The white creature before them gave introductions, for both herself and the pack. Selene, and Anathema. She spoke of family, asked of what they could contribute, mentioned the sharing of blood. Rituals were not something she was unfamiliar with, but the sharing of blood had never thought to enter her mind. She had only ever associated closely with blood relations, anyways. Now she had a prospective home, but she would need to put aside any of her born prejudice. A heavy nod gave way to words.

"Aye am Tlantli Kimaris, and the boy is Citlali. He is young, but he has skills in crafting; mos'ly weaving of items. Aye can do many things; fight, teach, scout. However, aye axe-ell at not'ing so far. If Anat'ema would let us, we would be family to them. To you." The words, each tinted with island-accent and remnants of her motherland's language, flowed freely and firmly. She was not eloquent, and so they were simple, but they got the meaning across easily.

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