And so I return...
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Normally Pilot would have been a bit weary and kept a cautious eye, but Kyuubi was a familiar face and had just come back to Storm before the fire had brutally claimed their lands. It was refreshing to see another familiar face had made it out okay, and today the smile on his lips refused to fade away. He pushed the stray hair out of his eyes before he responded, "It’s good to see you again. This here is Shadowed Sun, a new pack that Tayui Aston from Jaded Shadows and I have decided to start together."

"Normally I would ask you about your skills, but seeing as how I recently accepted you into Storm, I’m sure we would be all set just to skip that."
He secretly hoped that others would find their way to Halcyon and want to join their pack. "Shadowed Sun is a scholars pack – our main focus on learning and teaching others. If you’d like to join, I would be happy to accept you as a Periokoi."


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