Its a cold and broken Hallelujah
Ayita had been slightly in the dog house per say when her mate and the step father to her daughter found out she was pregnant. He had not been angry with her just annoyed that she had not said anything to her. For once her daughter had told her instead of her stepfather she figured the girl had told him she always ran to him.

Ayita had been reviewing what she knew her daughter had refused to have Alaine there to help her. She for once wanted her mother and Ayita refused to say no she wanted to rebond with her baby girl. She was sitting with Vigilante when she overheard the howl. She looked at her mate and smiled saying something to him as she grabbed things she had packed to go. She shifted forms as she looked at her mate as both of them head out the door.

Ayitas heart pumped fast as she thought about her dead pup and how she had almost lost mara. Her baby girls and it made her want to cry. She prayed for a safe delivery of pups. Before entering the home she changed forms joining he mate and son inlaw. Her small family was growing and she was happy to see it growing. She was stunned to see Amaranth curled up by the fire lightly whimpering. She wondered how long she had been like this and how she was feeling.

Ayita went over to her daughter and kneeled down only to hear her daughter lightly snarl at her. “Amaranth its mommy I promised I would be here.” She said as she laid her hand on her daughter’s stomach. “How are you? What are you feeling dear?” She asked lightly.

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