Poison of my Soul

WC: 352
Muse fail x.x Assuming they don't tell each other their name's in onwards :3

Something was off with the small female, but he couldn’t pin point what and let the thought slide… for the moment, he’d interrogate her later to satisfy his curiosity. Without moving or changing his expression or posture, he watched her make her way out of the rocks and head towards him in silence.

When the female did speak, he couldn’t help but be amused, before he could contain the laughter, it had already escaped him. He chuckled deeply at her comment, his shoulders moving slightly with the sound. Very few amused him the way the small one did, and even less were willing to play with him. Most turned tail and ran like cowards, but not the small one. No, she bit back and gave as good as she got. Which made interacting with her all the more fun.

Dropping his arms to his side, his expression remained smug despite her words; the sarcasm of her words washed right over him, as he simply ignored them and debated how to respond.

Lazily at first, then with more effort, he waved one hand and bent over in an elegant bow. “It is good to make your acquaintance again, oh fine princess” He flashed her a lop sided grin as he righted himself. Then he waltzed over to her, closing the space between in his own sweet time.

Once near the small one, he frowned; his eyes fixated on the female’s shoulder. “You’ve got something on you shoulder” He leant forward, as if to remove whatever was on the female’s shoulder, but suddenly his movement changed course halfway. Aiming at her face, he managed to get her a good lick across her check before quickly jumping back.

Satisfied with the result of his actions, he threw back his head and roared with laughter. Dark hands clutching his stomach as he bent over, tears forming in his eyes. “One nill” he shouted out to her between fits of laughter. “You know, with all this intimacy we’ve got going, you should tell me your name” he teased and waggled a finger at her, one eyebrow raised.


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