I guess I'm doin alright

She sat on a rock, watching the four boys at play. They weren't over active, but they were starting to be more active at least. She felt a momentary pang remembering Dierdre this small. She sighed, feeling depressed for a moment, but the feeling was gone, replaced by that pervasive feeling of hope that had begun burning in her breast. She hadn't ventured outside of the lands Conri and naniko had dubbed Twilight vale just yet, but she was okay with that. She wasn't ready yet to discover how many of her friends she'd lost. She couldn't handle that just yet. Knowing her daughter was lost was enough pain right now.
She groomed the skin where her burns were healing. It was tender still, but the burns were doing better than she'd expected. She would have minor scars, but scars were nothing new. She had other scars from other fights, long ago. This was one fight she'd fought and won. The fight for life, a fight for herself and her two sons. She would have given up if Lucifer hadn't arrived when he had. She was lucky he'd been there. He took good care of her and their sons.
She knew Apollo and Sirus were her grandsons, Dierdre's children, but she'd nursed them at her teats. They were her children too. She sometimes wondered how lucifer felt about that. As she'd promised, her milk supply had increased to support the additional mouths. She'd been kept well fed and taken care of to ensure all the pup's survival. She stopped fussing with the wounds and turned her attention to the boys, nudging Noah and Taliesin away from Apollo and Sirus. Noah and Taliesin tended to be more active than the other two, and the smaller boys didn't always appreciate it.
She wished she had her pack with her, to take some of the mild herbs to relieve pain. Her body still ached sometimes. It was part of getting old. She was five years old after all. She felt ancient.


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