Vyx -- That's absolutely true for humans! Unfortunately, Luperci are wolves and wolves are predators, and any wild horse would view a Lupus form wolf or even an Optime form wolf as a predator. ^^ Luperci still smell like wolves, look like wolves, and act like wolves, so the horses would would spook, panic, and run away, even if they would act tamely toward a human, who are decidedly less predatory in appearance and actions toward horses. Most canines, after all, would have still viewed horses as prey and treated them as such until some smart Luperci figured out that they actually make good draft animals. :3

Rose -- Easily split from your thread request. :3 You don't have to edit your original post in the Thread Requests forum nor are you required to participate in any continued discussion here, but do keep what we are discussing in mind here when you actually begin roleplaying with Neo. Thanks!

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