Don't find fault, find a remedy.
So Hybrid is basically an old school mafia hit man. (512)


Hybrid was genuinely surprised to hear that Kaena had stepped down, but less so to hear of Halo’s ascension to the rank of Centurion. He supposed it was logical given that she was – or had been – the Triarii of the clan and therefore one of the most battle-proven. He recognized that he and Kesho probably had seen the most of all the coyotes here, but also understood that his place was not among the leaders. He was here to serve Gabriel and as long as that was his purpose, he was content doing whatever the Aquila thought best.

Soon, Gabriel addressed the other members of the clan, all who fell beneath the Diocese in the Immunes ranks. Hybrid wondered if there were any more who would join him as Hydra; he hoped Gabriel would choose to mention it to him before promoting anyone. He didn’t want to have to work with another Sepirah or a Talitha; that was for certain. And he certainly did not want to work with an Ezekiel. Fucking kids had no respect these days. He was content with Kesho by his side as a Hydra. He knew he couldn’t trust the old coyote like he did Gabriel, but they were united with a basic understanding of how Inferni worked. They were, quite simply, old school.

Gabriel also revealed a major territory shift due to a collapse on the mountainside. He frowned when Gabriel mentioned he would not let anyone else be hurt by it and realized Gabriel was the one who had been injured. Now that Hybrid looked closely, he realized Gabriel was showing signs of injury. He frowned, but still remained silent. He wished he could have been there to assist his Aquila, but he knew there was nothing he could have done. At the most, he could have chewed off a broken or infected limb, but that was as far as his skills extended. He chuckled twice, quietly, to himself at this thought, but otherwise said nothing.

At the mention of the mountain pack to the west, Hybrid’s expression darkened. Perhaps now he should mention that white wolf he’d found wandering around a little too close for his liking.

“I found a wolf,” he began quietly. “White, odd eyes. She said she meant no harm, said she was looking for you -- and Kaena. We’ve got liars too close for my liking,” he explained with a low growl. “And madmen a little too close, too, Gabriel. If I might speak with you after…” He certainly did not want the rest of Inferni to be privy to the information he would divulge. They did not need to know of the crimes Gabriel’s boy had committed; not just yet.

As Hybrid glanced around, he noticed his bitch of a niece’s expression: pure disgust. He felt himself growling, low and quiet in the back of his throat as she shot Gabriel a vicious look. He didn’t like her and he didn’t like how she looked at her father. She should pay for her crimes, but he couldn’t touch her.


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