Look Through My Eyes

Doop doop, sorry for lateness!

Everything she mumbled had no meaning to him; he did not understand another definition for "believe," nor the one she tried so hard to provide. He had put it bluntly that he did not believe in a higher power, but as for the sun setting and rising, there was no belief involved. She had asked if he believed in anything, and yet said believing did not necessarily mean a higher power — the brute's mind jumbled, weary of the AniWayan abstract thought. "I believe in nothing," he reiterated, his tone flat. He would not be misunderstood. "My strength comes from my own sweat and blood. I have no one to thank for the things I've done. I have no one to blame but myself."

He would never believe in a merciful higher power, guardian spirits or a friendly otherwordly ghost for the sins he had committed. In his own mind, the things he had done — the lives he had tarnished, uprooted and destroyed — proved no guardian could ever exist.

"Dawali's, well, ...Dawali," he mumbled, shrugging. He had nodded patiently when she spoke of AniWayan and the tribe rites; nothing of the sort existed in Phoenix Valley, really, though the pack did act as a sort of stand-in family to those yearning for one. "He saved the life of a loved one of mine. I owed him." A pause. "But I would trust him before any others as well to take over the Valley in a time of need. He knows that."

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