leave your mouth talking

Wordcount:: 5+

He knew of the disappearance of the girl, and how tightly Eris was holding to the hope that she would soon be found. Although he had never been fond of the child, he was truly fond of Eris, and it pained the coywolf to see her distress over it. As such, the topic was not brought up, and the short silence not again breached until they had reached the water's edge.

Unexpectedly, Eris did not complain. Perhaps his snide returning marks had finally cured her of her wish to state the obvious uncharming aspects of the things he asked from her. On one hand, it was a relief, but Sirius truly had been looking forward to the opportunity to rebuke her whining with a good splash or two. Perched on his smooth-worn boulder (when the great melt came down from higher up the mountain, the waters of this small stream would swell and cover the stones and fishing on the slippery surfaces would no longer be an option), he return her biting statement with another crocodile grin. "Only if you're a good little girl," Siri replied evenly, his apple eyes laughing down at her chartreuse. Sometimes, they shared a similarly cynically humor, and it brought hims pleasure to banter in such a way with her.

Waiting for the clumsier form of his kin to finally settle herself on a nearby stone, Sirius shuffled his weight closer to the edge, peering with narrowed pupils at the rippling surface below. It was relatively shallow, and if he were to fall in, it would only come up to his belly. However, the idea of getting so wet at all was not an appealing one, and the male determined to only show her the process once. Noting that the dark woman's interested gaze was lingering on him, the lanky male lowered his brown nose to a few inches above the water. "Watch for their fins - The bastards are invisible otherwise," He murmured softly, eyes darting this way and that. True enough, dark figured were obvious beneath the reflective surface of the choppy water - lean, quick salmon. "Remain as still as you can. They can see the movement, but not much else..." One large, clawed ocher paw had come to rest near to his head, hovering above the water. His body trembled slightly with the effort of staying still and remaining balanced on the water. "Wait for them to mass, and then..." With a sudden cobra strike, the male plunged his head into the icy water. For a moment, it seemed as if he had been successful, but Sirius' maw surfaced empty. He was unsurprised by the failure - It was not an easy trick to master, and he was much better at hunting rabbits. However, it was an important skill for Eris to learn.

Looking somewhat less amused and handsome with a dripping face, Sirius licked his chops a moment, tasting the scaled his teeth had scraped off of the hide of the salmon he had almost caught. "It takes a few attempts, I'm afraid," The male shook his head to clear his ears of the water, before gesturing for Eris to take her go.


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