A Marvelous Return

Domonick gave a small nod of his head, letting a smile cross his face, "It's nice to see you too. Hope things have been going well." He remembered when he joined the pack, for the first time, the feelings of nervousness he felt, but more importantly, the feeling of belonging, the sense of having a family again. The thoughts made his smile grow bigger, even making him chuckle slightly.

"Yeah, peaceful, we can all hope it stays that way." he continued looking out at the view, his eyes glimmering. Peacefulness was something that shouldn't be taken for granted, he knew that know, soaking in as much of it as possible. His ears flicked slightly as he picked up Venema's words about his mother. I wonder what happened to her. he thought to himself, the urge to ask welled inside his throat, but he resisted, he thought it might not be such a good idea, he didn't know much about Venema's past, so he didn't want to start anything. Then he heard Ookami ask, his stomach knotted slightly, Well, at least I don't have to ask it. his eyes glanced over at Venema slightly.

He let out a cough, and listened to Venema and Ookami, "Considering how close everyone in this pack is, getting to know each other shouldn't be too hard." he chuckled. These two wolves seemed like great people to call freinds, and Domonick smiled, hoping at least, to be able to call them friends. His ears pressed flat against his head as thoughts flashed through his mind, thoughts of his past, they seemed to be trying to resurface all the time, but he pushed them away, thinking about the present, the way things were going. He flexed his scarred hand, and let out another cough. "Yah know Venema, I can say one thing, this pack, you'll love it here."

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