one saw mud but the other saw stars
Thread Information
Setting: Anathema, Phosphagos Foothills

Time: Dusk

Character Form: Lupus

We were living proof of a dying dream

The truth is no one saw us coming

The edges of Anathema's territory were more known to the sable-shaded woman now, as she'd spent more time here in the past week and a half than she had anywhere else. She had dedicated much of her time to pacing the edges of the territory or waiting by the main entrance of the cave, hoping Wretch would return soon. Still, she was not so neglectful that she forgot about her living children -- Pandemic and Salvia still needed her, whether or not she made a good mother. Doubt had reared its ugly face, gleaming fangs filled with a poisonous regret bared in a grin. She had entered motherhood without the faintest idea of what to do, and in the weeks and months after the birth of her children, the hybrid had become complacent, figuring she was doing as good a job as any. And then this.

The shadows were changing steadily with the daylight, growing long and dark as the sun sank slowly to the west. The coal-hued hybrid remained on the crest of one of the rolling knolls, seated in short, half-dead grass. When the spring came again, the greenery would sprout from the leftovers of the previous autumn, smothered beneath the winter's snow. Here and there, patches of grass sprouted up defiantly against the yellow and brown, but it was overwhelmed by the lingering dead of winter for the moment. Something of a rarity as of late, the hybrid appeared in her four-legged form, seated on her haunches with her head perked up high, chartreuse yellow eyes clearly watching the pack border. She had paced its length twice already and would not do so again, for fear that she'd never be able to stop.

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