No rest for the wicked
[html]OOC: Hai!, you are correct, Effie has dyed fur but her companion has tattooed markings apart from his mane and tail which are dyed. The inside rim of his nostils are tattooed red to give the impression his nares are 'glowing' to make him appear as demonic as his nature, especially in dark/moonlit landscapes (markings for both characters should now be in my profile & hope thats okay) Smile

It wasn’t long before she was let’s say ‘attended to’ by one of the locals round these parts. Also mounted, the unfamiliar male’s characteristics of his breeding looked somewhat similar to her own, but he was significantly larger in frame, hence the size of his mount she presumed. Her ghostly eyes spitted over his form and his steed with little interest as he approached, still clasping the handle of her blade.

The dark stallion resented against the show of dominance from the fiery hued equine, twisting his expression into a hellish grimace, teeth bared and ears pinned to his coiled neck towards the other male and his rider not to come a inch closer to his possession. Though he was much smaller than the heavier breed he was far from disadvantaged. ”State your business, stranger.” he interjected the deathly silence that had clustered between them. His voice rung authority but the woman remained expressionless throughout his words. ” My business is that of a high manner” she bluntly spoke to return back his own approach, allowing a comfortable silence to muster before she continued. ”I come to offer you my services” she hollowed once more, still motionless towards the opposing male.

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