No rest for the wicked
[html]OOC: sorry for the wait and this suky museless post! D:

She had loved it when the man conversed about it his knowledge of her origin, it made her feel noticed – as if she wasn’t just another newcomer who he was just simply showing around in some robotic manner. However she didn’t take too fondly to talking about her past that much and with his questioning of her disappearance from there and arrival here she was quick to cut the topic short. ”I was promised something I never found, maybe I’ll find it here.” She interluded, her tone neither taking nor giving of the emotion she didn’t wish to share.

The woman patted her horse appraisingly of his abnormally now quiet behaviour and relaxed stance next to the other’s stallion, maybe he would settle well here – give or take a month or two. ”How did you come across these lands, do you have any family here?” She asked the man back, moulding the curiosity of his origin and her desire for the change of subject together, perhaps the male warrior did have family here. She then turned and glared out across the landscape in front of her once more, taking in the sights she would now class as familiar before turning back to Ezekiel in timely fashion for his answer.


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