Fires of Heaven
Character Birthdate (including year): 5-11-2009
Species: 50% Coyote, 50% Jackal
Luperci: No
Gender: Female
Preferred Ark Rank: Writer
A Secondary Form of Contact:
Currently Played Characters: None
How You Found 'Souls: Google

Initial Post:

Liana stood up, taking in the fresh scent of the morning breeze. She yawned, then padded down the a stream. As she put her head down to drink, she caught sight of her reflection. Is that me? she wondered and looked harder, yes it was. She was just scruffy from all the traveling she had done. Ugh... she looked terrible, she thought, and took a long drink from the river. The water was cold and it refreshed her. She then waded in and rolled in the water, a trick she had learned from her mother, and the dust on her coat was washed downstream. She got up and jumped back to the bank, her wet fur glistening in the sun.

As her fur dried, she walked in the forest and tried to spot any animals, such as hares or even squirrels that would make a pleasant snack. She spotted a hare feeding on the grass that had just come through and she pounced on it. The hare struggled before she bit into it's spine and killed it. She decided to leave it there for the scavengers, she wanted larger game. The scent of deer hit her and she followed her nose. After about half an hour she caught sight of the herd and broke into a run. As she neared the herd she got faster and faster. The herd was now running and they scattered. As they did, an old female was separated from the herd and Liana tore after her, the trees snagging her fur, but she didn't care. She snapped at the deer's leg and received a clip on the muzzle for it. She yelped but kept her footing. She was now running along side the caribou and she leaped for it's throat, her long slender body flying through the air. The deer screamed as Liana bit down which turned to a gurgle as she choked it. The deer staggered, then fell. It was dead before it hit the ground. The girl raised her maw to the sky and howled her victory. She had killed her first deer! She smiled, then began to eat the carcass, dragging what was left of it into the open for birds to eat. Liana did not even realize that she was at the borders of a pack.

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