Under the Fool Moon
ooc; Big Grin fun thread guys ^^ but i think its time Leon left.

The Austral man caught the dainty femme as she fell against him being unable to keep herself upright, with earthen hands that kept themselves firmly away from inappropriate areas of her body and letting go when he felt she could stay up under her own power and will. His lips twitched into a small smile as he saw the obvious wanting to say 'I told you so' on the face of Ayasha clearly the two had a sister type relationship, heck as far as he knew they might actually be sisters or half sisters or some kind of blood relationship. Sharp eyes watched intently for any other signs she might fall over again and intrigued eyebrow rose at hints of an accent foreign to him concealed within her voice. His head bobbed too at the thanks,

"No problemo." Silence descended over the trio and stretched out for many minutes, he began to loose the feeling in his toes, feet and ankles and wriggled the digits to try and recapture it. He was almost glad when Shanta broke the silence to attempt to stand up again, the man rising up with her and sighing with relief as his knee joined cracked and complained at so long spent idle, still he held hands wary in case she fell. He felt bad as he realised just how far along the night was and that Analise would be on her own waiting for him to get back so she could sleep. So as Ayasha made to follow her slightly concussed friend he stayed back, only following for a few steps.

"I'm afraid I must take my leave, my daughter will be wondering where I have got to. Goodbye Shanta. Ayasha." As much as he would like to watch over the injured girl his first duty was to his blood. León turned from the pair and began to make his way back towards his and Analise's home.

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