tomorrow may not come.

Feel free to powerplay the situation with the NPC. >:]
indent They weren’t friends, no. They were simply members of the same organization, even though by all accounts Hybrid was his brother-in-law. It didn’t mattered, though, what tied them. They were both hunters, both wolf-haters, both ready to find blood even if they were the ones to draw it first. “Fuck off,” the wolf snarled, turning his attention to Hybrid. He was distracted enough that Gabriel managed to sidle towards his side, as slick as oil. “You ain’t got any right to talk to me like that, y’fuckin coyote. Go back to fuckin’ yer sister or whatever you mongrels do--.”

indent His words were cut off by a sudden yelp. This was a reaction to Gabriel snapping his hind left leg, breaking the bone with one powerful bite. Spinning on him, the wolf simultaneously forgot about Hybrid.


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