forty six and two

          The Dahlian had been ravenous with scavenging the resources found upon this continent. While the ecosystem contrasted greatly from the emerald rolling hills of Ireland, to the Sidhe's surprise, there was an abundance of plant life otherwise found in this region of the world. Possibilities abound, it could have been the spread of seeds over the centuries adapting to new environments, or another hypothesis Alae believed in heavily was the cultivation of ancient humans planting foreign seeds. Whatever the factor, Alae was fervent on the prowl for any medicinal herbs to be captured and dried in her possession. As well as any tangible matter that could be melded into handmade incense, in which her personal supply had been running low from travels.

          Recalling the fauna once passed on her journey to the Southwest, the Sidhe meandered a slight ways back North, but taking a curving Eastern route leading her to the creamy sands of the Quartz Shoreline. There was something about coastal lines and the ocean that kept calling to her or somehow making its region known, for she previously spent her first days in Dahlia de Mai scourging the shorelines of Whisper Beach. It reminded her of the journey she took by boat across the Atlantic to arrive here in the new world, reminding her constantly that beyond the hazy horizon of the ocean, mother Ireland would forever be awaiting her return.

          Strapped with her leather bound pack at her shoulder, inside were scavenged weekly vitamin organize tubes recovered from Halifax on her last visit, and several amber prescription pill vial containers filled with dried herbs collected thus far on her journey Northbound. It was in her prerogative to collect as much of the land's resource as plausible, just to harvest it back to Dahlia, to plant and keep for future storage. Her snowy owl companion took to soaring the salt scented skies of the afternoon, although his flight was kept a little more closely guarded to Alae's presence. The last beach flight ended up with the owl almost impaled by a hunter's arrow, and Kael was keen enough to remain soaring closer to the Luperci than usual.

          Approaching the frigid waters of the shoreline, Alae bent down to collect seawater within one of the amber vials. Her last encounter ended up having to sterilize a stranger's gash from falling down a spruce tree with the ocean's salt water, and figured having a vial of saltwater at the ready in Dahlia would keep her prepared for future aide. Besides for scourging the coasts for tangible resources, the pleasantry of the afternoon was another reason for her to enjoy the ambience of the coastland.

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