forty six and two
That's perfectly okay! And, sorry for the delay (as well as the shortness)! My condo just got approved with my roomie, so we've been busy preparing to move. :3

          There was no need to elaborate further upon what the ocean water's purpose would serve for later, but more so on the symbolistic scars the both of them bore. The darker coyote was unsure what tebori methods were exactly, and there was no surprise found from Alae when she said this. The Sidhe was very well aware of the tattoo guns and needles most tattoo artists used nowadays, and tebori was more so for those who stuck to the traditional methods of such.

          Yet, Alae was intrigued to hear of the female's spiral and the symbolism it had. A witch-woman, promising to bleed any remnants of wolf out of her, and give her powers to see sights that were overlooked by the average Luperci. Alae never heard such lore before, and wondered where such a thing came from. More so, there was some underlying reasoning in her statement that Alae was unsure of. "Bleed the wolf out of you… were you desperate at the time to rid that part from you?" The Sidhe asked, silently pondering whether the question was a little too personal too soon. "Also, what do you see exactly?" Alae also tacked on, finding it hard to believe cuts would give the ability to see things out of the ordinary. Then again, there was a lot of unbelievable things in the world that worked.

          When the dark woman concluded, Alae fell silent before speaking. She stated she wasn't sure what tebori was, and decided to elaborate upon it. "Well, tebori is a traditional way of applying tattoos by hand. Basically needles upon a handle of wood, dipped in ink, and rapidly applied to the skin. Some of my fur had to be removed in the area for it to be noticeable enough." Alae said, lifting her hand to lightly rub at the shorter fur that bore her lotus.


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