Lunatoke joining as a Loner Luperci!
Name: Lunatoke
Birthdate: September 7th, 2010
Gender: Female
Species: Gray Wolf/Luperci
Luperci?: See above
Other 'Souls characters: N/A
How I found 'Souls: I looked up "Wolf RPG" and this showed up
Am I joining a pack?: No
Roleplay examples:

Lunatoke howled in mourning. Even after the flames were no longer visible and there were no familiar smells, Lunatoke had kept running. She had run and run until she could do so no longer. She had found a small shelter made of plants, and she had slept until well after sun-high. She hadn't dreamed at all, which she was grateful for. If she had slept, she would have llikely had nightmares.
She couldn't bear to eat. The image of her burning friends was still fresh in her mind, and was shaking her stomach. She lay down upon her impromptu bed and looked about. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she hoped that she wasn't trespassing. That would make for an ugly scene; she knew that well enough from experience.
Lunatoke shuddered and lay her head down on her front paws. What to do, what to do...

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