A Loose Use?
Don't worry. She's patient. and thick-skinned!


Her eyes were opaque and seemed to reflect his disdain back at him. Unlike Noss, though, it was a facade, for she had no automatic ill-feeling towards him, wolves, or males; however, nor did she desire his approval or interest - while she admired his physical prowess it was from a purely impersonal, clinical perspective. She was certainly curious, though. His answers so far had been entirely leading, causing more questions to arise, sprouting from the first one like shrubs. Practice was an obvious concept implied by the word 'training', so Caspa still was no nearer to knowing what sort of practice or work could build bulk and power. Maybe given time, she could work back round to the topic and learn more from what looked like a true expert in the field. His final comment was even more personal than the previous one about the plaits that overlapped her ears. Her under-nutrition hadn't gone unnoticed, it seemed. Caspa didn't have the speed or agility to be a natural light-weight, and she knew she was most dangerous at close quarters, with her large jaws and thick bones. So, she was certainly conscious of her bony physique, and determined he shouldn't leave those words hanging in the air. Her eyes flashed at his retreating back. "It is true, I am still recovering. I did not choose to starve," she explained levelly, wondering if he might have a word of apology or consideration enough to stay a moment or two, for she wanted to ask what diet he might recommend - sticking to the leaner meats, or filling up on the fat and gristle - although she suspected that might be a pestering question too far for the curtly spoken man who seemed intent on exiting this encounter as quickly as he could. A little strange for a pack-wolf to be so opposed to the idea of company, but she could only assume that it was a bad time.


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