You can't survive on just crabapples
OOC: It's fine! And sorry, I'm using a French keyboard and can't find square brackets, so no bolded text for you. :'(

Tayui knew it was not in her best interest to be lost in her musings, so she tried to remain alert as she walked back to Anathema. She heard the trees move in the breeze and the birds exchange calls as they flitted about. Tayui craned her neck to watch them as they moved and oggled the speed and precision with which they flew. She had always admired them, but on this beautiful day, it was easy to see why! She smiled and shook herself from her thoughts and continued along her way. She meandered slowly and quietly and the silence was broken only by the sudden shout of another canine.

Tayui turned in time to see a wolf, male and quite large, bearing an assortment of weapons. Unlike she, he was in his Optime form and therefore would tower above her if she ventured closer. He had something, but she couldn't identify the words. She shook her head and took a step backward, hoping he was not hostile. With the weapons, he very well might be, but nothing in his demeanor indicated it.

"Sorry? Excuse me? Do you speak English? Parlez-vous Français ou Anglais? Ne marche pas, I don't understand." Her uncertainty brought forth a melange of two languages, mixing the slang and proper responses of the two. What in the world was that language?

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