I mean no harm
He walked at a regular pace beginning to pant a little. Sweat started to build up underneath his peg-like feet. A slight breeze blew by and sent a shiver tumbling
down his spine. He looked around, expecting someone to come out of nowhere
and ask him about all of the junk that he'd kept to himself for over 2 years. His
clever eyes averted from his feet and from a distance, he could see it: the village.
Finally! He wanted to yell, he had been looking around for this sacred territory for
far too long! His happiness accumulated so much that be could no longer keep it
contained and he shifted into his dainty lupus form,with his tongue hanging out
and his eyes wide open.

As he approached the small village it came to him, he can't just barge into the town without anybody knowing, he had to have a reason. So at that moment
he released one long, high pitched howl for attention to come his way. He
then hollered, "I mean no harm!" He panted and continued, "I need a home!
Please, someone help me out!''

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