You no see 'im ... Den 'e come!

I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

Hybrid recoiled, disgusted that she had begun to speak. She did not even know where she was now, calling him her father. That was the most outrageous thing he had ever heard - him, a father? That would require for him to sleep with a female, and the thought alone was enough to make him want to tear out his intestines and strangle himself to death. "Shut up!" he roared. He moved quickly and leapt at her, intending to dislodge her from her place, from where she was rooted to the ground. He would remove her from this world, too, for she did not deserve to live. He was the judge and the executioner, using his ill-gotten talent to wipe the world clean.

Soon, the world might be a sanctuary, free of the constant plague of wolves and the like. No one would seek heaven, for a world without wolves would be a perfect place. A world without their idiocy and arrogance, where the coyotes would take their rightful place as supreme. This female would serve as one of the many sacrifices.


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