
WC: 405 OOC: Big Grin

He came back once she had everything set up and pourd her a glass of wine. She took a sip and thought it had a very nice aged taste to it, it wasn’t too strong for her, though she didn’t drink too often, she would drink moderately and in no way would let herself indulge. She nearly blanched when he mentioned he brought it from Europe.

“Shouldn’t you be saving this for a special occasion? I mean isn’t it rare?”

She asked, nearly choking on the wine, coughing a bit, now she was afraid to really touch it, it was rare indeed to have wine, but to have wine from overseas.... well no one used it casually. She eyed him, but he changed the subject asking her what he needed to do and he showed him, letting him know it was oral use he had to drink the roots that had been prepared, and showed him, first hand and handing him his first dose.

“I wrote it down to in case you forget, it could be very bad if you use too much. You only need to drink it once a day, early in the morning like this and you should have less episodes in a week.”

She was now absentmindedly drinking the wine, forgetting about his comment and her sudden outburst. Talking medicine tended to do that to her, and it got her destracted enough if something tended to be on her mind, like the sheer importance of wine from overseas. She was excited to get to know him and she pulled the sheet out she wrote on it, making the instructions clear for anyone who could read it. What had to be done was on that paper, and in her head of course, but she knew he didn’t want to go to her for every single dose. It would mean just moving to Crimson Dreams, and from what she had seen of him already, he was a loyal wolf, just as she was.

“Now that we got that out of the way, I would surely love to see the rest of your pack lands.”

She said, her black tipped tail wagging back and forth slowly though it was driving to go faster, but she didn’t want him to see the excitement she held for doing something other than her medicines.

Table template by the Mentors! Table by Noelle

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