our voices are unspoken

"Guardavo intorno fuori del nostro territorio di pacco che era vuoto ma ha iniziato a piovere e ho scivolato e sono caduto. Era stato ghiacciato e la caduta ha fatto la mia rottura di gamba," she explained and looked down at her hands. Explaining made her think of her most recent argument with Giuseppe, conflicted with the whole situation, but it was okay. Her leg was healing and though she had put some strain on it, it was beginning to go away all together. She imagined she'd have a stressed throb every now and then. "Il Beppe è tutto è cresciuta. Ha avuto appena il suo compleanno," she explained with a distressed sigh. She had missed so much of his childhood that she wanted to go back and fix everything. Giuseppe had also missed a lot, more than her, but it still felt like a lifetime on her end.

Her sister finally responded to her question and Maria reached out to tug at Antonella's hand. "Ciò amerei," she said. She no longer doubted that there were other family around. Antonella had been there through thick and thin and made an attempt after her disowning that kept a bond between the sisters. With a smile, she pulled against her sister for another hug.

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