Why Should I Care?

Table & Coding © Vannah; 372 words

Bastion had been sticking around close to home, not drifting too far from the claimed area. At least not while he was alone. He had taken a trip to the city before but his puppy had been with him for the trip. He tended to stick close to his puppy when going on long trips. Of course they could each look after themselves but Janos seemed to feel better when Bastion was close by. Their relationship was an odd one, most certainly, but it worked for them. Bastion could use that mass that his own body didn't possess and well, Janos needed someone to give him guidance and direction even should he choose not to admit it. So all in all their type of relationship worked for them.

As had become habitual for him when leaving the confines of Salsola he made sure to cover his scent by bathing in floral fragrant laced water. He also had a pair of panties pulled on as well, it being the only piece of clothing that he wore. Of course that only gave him an even more feminine like appearance. His body was already slight and didn't have any pronounced muscle mass, not to mention that he keeps himself particularly well groomed. So he was quite used to being confused for a young girl, not yet at the age of maturity, upon first glance. Of course his scent always gave him away as being male. And well, he didn't ever really try to hide that though he did enjoy the confusion.

The male encroached upon the area in time enough to watch the other stumble an fall. The small little wolf raised his hands to cover his muzzle as he giggled. Of course he would find it amusing since it didn't happen to him and all. He hadn't been the one to make a fool of himself but yet someone else had. So just like a child would do he laughed at someone else's misfortune. "You look silly." The obvious was stated finally given after his fit had subsided. Bastion dropped his hands and moved to stand near the other male so that he could peer down at him with a grin upon his face.


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