1. Character Name: Tawny Wagner
2. Character Birthdate: January 13, 2009
3. Gender: Female
4. Species: 50% Alexander Archipelago Wolf / 50% Eastern Timber Wolf
5. Is your character a Luperci?: Yes.
6. Other 'Souls Characters: N/A
7. How you found 'Souls?: Through an advertisement on another site.
8. Are you joining a pack?: Loner
9. If joining a pack, are you joining IC or OOC?: N/A
10. Profile or writing examples:
Native American RP from that I have never used before (794 words):
Quote:“Sunlight was beating down on the plains, creating heat waves visible to the human eye, looking like water ripples in the boiling air. Grass was turning from a luscious green into a darker brown color, signaling the change of seasons. Birds of all shapes and sizes flew in twisting patterns, singing their joy to the earth, while small ground creatures scampered about, digging and tunneling. Two large wolf dogs lumbered across the tribe's main circle like they owned it, none of the other dogs drawing near. The two canines kept going until they reached the smallest hut in the tribe, standing about fifteen feet outside the circle, all alone.
The tanned hides that covered the hut's bone and wooden frame were thin from constant ware and not enough replacement. The male dogs ducked under the short flap and disappeared inside, leaving the outside world to its own devices. A thin trail of white smoke rose from the tiny hole in the top of the hut, curling into the sky along with the wispy clouds. The fire producing the smoke was small as well, just as everything was in the hut, all but the two dogs. There was a smallish woman curled up near the flames, a thin bone knife raking down a rabbit hide, pulling all the remaining muscles and fat away. She tossed the strips of leftover meat towards the dogs, giggling when they began to play fight.
A long war cry went up from someone outside, signaling the beginning of their tribe's packing period. Chief Skiowo had given them one week to tear everything down and ready themselves for their move towards greener hunting grounds. Pale faces had drawn too close to their current home, scaring away the wildlife and killing the forests, moving was a must. The small female, Ayashe, sighed and set down her rabbit skin, satisfied that it was done. She dropped two handfuls of dirt over the fire and stepped on it with her thin soled moccasin shoes, easily killing the flames.
"Kichi, Atchi, come, foolish dogs." The huge pups perked up at her sharp words and followed her outside, rubbing against her bare legs with their soft fur on the way. The almost-woman wore a simple deer skin shirt, a cast off of one of the tribesmen. Given her size, it hung to her knees like any of the other women's dresses. Ayashe leaned against her hut and stretched up, grabbing onto a knot up high and tugging hard, pulling the strings loose. The sides fell apart, opening up to show off the skeletal bones and branches holding the entire structure off the ground. It was surprisingly easy for her to take down all of the pelt wrappings, folding and tying them in three separate bundles. The process took only an hour or two, unlike the huge structure, which would take days to deconstruct.
The girl yawned and rested against the sturdy skeleton, raising her fingers to her lips and letting out a shrill whistle. She closed her eyes and rested, smiling slightly when her dogs sat beside her, guarding. Less than a few minutes later the heavy sound of hoof beats rumbled on the drying earth, rattling rocks and causing the village dogs to go a bit crazy. Two horses burst from the cover of trees about a hundred yards away, making a straight line towards the lone hut and small girl. There was a wild looking chestnut stallion, his shoulders taller than a few of the tribesmen, hooves the size of turtle shells. The other horse was stolen from a white man, gelded, a shorter dark grey that squealed and nipped at the stallions haunches, clearly annoyed.
They reached the girl and slid to a stop, stirring up dust and dirt, making the dogs sneeze and cough. The huge stallion rumbled in his throat and got closer, nudging his soft nose against her face. He had to bend down slightly to reach her cheek, snuffling and nibbling against her skin. The girl giggled and turned quickly, kissing him before ducking away. The horse squealed and stretched his neck, nipping at the back of her dress as she went. Laughing, Ayashe began to un-strap the bones. They were heavy, balancing on her shoulders as she lowered one or two to the ground at a time, stumbling a bit. The horses and dogs stood around, playing together and nibbling at the grass, occasionally trying to play with the girl. Altogether, it looked like she had a good set up on her own, without the tribe helping her every step of the way.”

Used this once about a week ago on another site (383 words):
Quote:“Dixi wasn't very proud of her current situation, slumped against the wall, barely able to hold herself up. There was nothing dignifying about being knocked on your ass by someone who claimed 'love you'. She reached up and touched her lip, wincing and looking down at the blood on her hand. The bastard was ranting still, even after he had busted her face, he felt the need to yell and scream about something he only thought she had been doing. Apparently she had been drinking Danny's beers again, and that constituted a beating in his mind.
The woman slowly pushed herself up, bracing her arms on the wall to steady her wobbly legs, and realized too late that her blood just marked the sandy colored pain. The man didn't miss it though. He growled and walked forward, ignoring the way she flinched when he reached out and grabbed her arm, squeezing until she could feel the bones practically grinding together. New tears poured down her cheeks at the intense pain, though she'd given up trying to make him hear her reasoning a long time before. Danny slammed her back up against the wall and threw a punch at her midsection, catching her tummy right below the ribs.
As soon as he let go of her arm the girl slid down onto the ground again, unable to support herself at all. The pain was radiating throughout her entire body now, not just the spots he had hit tonight. Trembled shook through her frame until she fell onto her side and tried to curl up, crying out when the movement caused a flash of pain to rip through her stomach. Her 'boyfriend' simply watched her on the floor, a disgusted look on his face. It was a well known fact that he thought women were pretty pathetic and useless, only good for an occasional romp between the sheets, and good punching bag.
There was a loud pounding on the door and muffled voices outside. Danny cursed and ran towards the front of the house, leaving Dixi crumpled and bleeding on the floor of in the kitchen. She slowly rolled over and crawled into a little half bathroom in the hall and leaned over the toilet, retching up her dinner and a considerable amount of blood.”

Used a very long time ago on a closed down site (576 words):
Quote:“The recruiters had come to her house where she lived with her mother and little brother, when she was only nineteen. They requested to speak with the oldest child, fully expecting a boy, and got slapped down with Minka. Standing at 5'4 and weighing less than the average, she was obviously not what they were looking for. However, there was no turning back when she offered herself up to become a testing/combat subject. There was no life for her anymore with her broken family. Her mother hated everything about her, and the brother was following in those footsteps. The girl went willingly, having nothing left to lose.
She traveled with the two recruiters, men of obvious military background, for three days, knocking on doors and asking for the eldest child to give themselves up to an important cause. Only three others joined in, all males, all wondering what the hell the little girl was doing tagging along. none of them knew what was going on or what they had signed up for until they were inside the compound in inside their barracks. It wasn't pretty when the news was unleashed, and one of the boys died that night.
Despite their pleas to be let free, to be able to go back home to whatever hell they had left in the first place, they were denied. After the first few weeks, things settled down, the kids knew they couldn't get out of this. It was obviously a military training facility, they knew that to begin with, but it had been converted to something darker. The testing, they were told, would not begin until they were strong enough to endure the physical pressure and pain.
So the kids began working. Every day they ran, eventually running ten to twenty miles every morning and night. Lifting weights, swimming hundreds of laps, hand to hand combat were all part of the training. Four months of the strict diet and vitamin regimen, and their bodies were working at peak performance. Little Minka could even take down a few of the seasoned war veterans. It wasn't long after that they were cleared to begin the biological testing.
Two weeks into the testing and the kids were taken to a very low level basement. They heard all kinds of shrieking and roaring coming from every direction. Minka huddled in between Sebastian and Kane, the two boys who had made it as well. They held onto her tightly, trembling themselves, as they were all led down into the deepest pits of the compound. Taken to a large concrete room, and then the commanders walked out and locked the doors.
Three lycans were let out into the concrete room, roaring and slavering all over the place. Kane was killed within seconds, his body ripped away from Minka and Sebastian. The two kids still standing stood back to back, lashing out whenever a creature got near them. It was only a matter of time though, Minka was bitten first. The monster leapt forward and clamped its jaws around her waist, digging its long teeth deep into her soft flesh. Sebastian fought to keep her safe and fell on top of her when the other lycan ripped its teeth down his chest and stomach.
The beasts were called back into their cages, leaving the two wounded humans in the room together. They curled up with each other, holding on tight, and passed out at the same time.”

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