I close the blinds and turn away..

http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk42 ... n_bot3.jpg) repeat-x scroll center bottom; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; width: 365px; margin-top: -50px;">
ooc//sometimes beginnings aren't so simple

Heh, yeah, I started to edit that but ended up just going to bed instead of waiting for the page to load.

ic\\sometimes goodbye's the only way

Her sapphire streaked eyes scanning the horizon, it didn't take long for her to make out the fuzzy form of a black bipedal hurrying along towards her. Whimpering as he drew nearer, Geneveive drew herself up into a ball of fluff, tried to make herself disappear. But to her surprise, instead of tackling her or tying her up, this male knelt near her, crawled the last little distance between them, and asked, "You are alright?"

Doing a quick assessment of herself, she had to agree that, physically, "Yeah, I'm alright." But plain in her eyes was the fact that she was not well, not emotionally. Studying the boy, Gen decided to find out how and why he was how he was. She was in no position to be asking questions, but she figured she might as well query him now and get it over with. "Sir," she began, her voice faltering, then finding strength, "how are you.. I mean, why are you... How do you do that?" If she'd had hands, they'd have been wildly gesticulating at his body. She could not figure out how it was he made himself tall and two legged.


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