Enclave, Entrap, Entertain

Word Count: 1,135

In Character

Going home sounded wonderful right now actually. Because to him, going home meant that he would be able to keep Bastion safe and he would feel better when they were back in familiar territory. He would love to lay down with his master and sleep in with him, being able to protect him even while they were resting. That was his ideal day, either watching his cherub as he slept while he did his job and watched over him, protecting him at all costs or sleeping with him. He would do his best to be there with him when Bastion had to go on his assignments but even he knew that there were some times when he wouldn’t be able to be there and he was a little worried and wondering what in the world his master was going to do in that situation but knowing his master, he would figure something ingenious out, maybe even make the people walk themselves over this way. He wasn’t completely sure but he had total faith in his master and knew that no matter what things would work out one way or another. The smaller male was good doing that. He had to be or else he surely wouldn’t be as influential and successful as he was, right? Bastion had a high rank and was able to have his own puppies and he wasn’t the strongest male out there, so that said a lot about his smaller counterpart.

After he left Bastion his thoughts never left his master or what could be useful to him. But the building had lived up to what he had thought and he was glad that he may have been able to give something back to his counterpart after Bastion had done so much for him. Janos watched the cherub after he opened up the drawer. He was about to pick up his small master when the hands reached up to him when the other male suddenly retracted his arms and looked down at the drawer that he had called Janos back up here for. Crystalline eyes watched his movements, looking into the drawer itself. The gleam of silver was dull in the practically non-existent light but his eyes could discern what it was that was sitting in there. He waited to see what Bastion would say and what it was that he would pick up. Seeing the knife, he eyed it before his gaze looked back up into the eyes of his savior. But it seemed as though the knife held little consequence to Bastion and he watched it fall back into the drawer before the sight of movement on the side of his vision drew his attention back once again. It seemed as though the cherub was ready to go down or at least he wanted to be picked up.

Without a second hesitation, he reached down to pick up the light male, slinging him around on his back as he always did so that he would have his hands free to not only be able to draw his weapon if need be but also to be able to climb down the ladder. ”Yes master, let’s go see it,” he said before he started back towards the kitchen once he was sure that Bastion had a good handle on him. Reaching behind him, he rearranged Bastion to be sure that he had a good hold on the tall, scarred male. As he did so and as he carried his master like this, the back of his neck tingled as it seemed to always do. It was almost as if his brand knew that the one who gave it was once again settled on his back and was happy to have the body back where it belonged, very close to Janos. Walking into the kitchen with a bit heavier of steps since he had another body on his back, he made his way to the basement, careful as he walked down the staircase to be sure that he didn’t trip and send both of them tumbling down to the bottom floor. Stretching out a hand, he steadied both of them against the wall, taking his time before he ended up in the very basement where he had been before.

The door that he had walked through was open, the hatch breathing out the cold air of the cellar, and he looked over his right shoulder at Bastion, using his good eye to see him. ”I found this by accident. The trap door could be easily hidden and if someone comes into the house they wouldn’t be expecting to find a double basement,” he said before he went to the hatch where the ladder was located. Being careful here as well, he gently lowered the both of them down to the very bottom of the basement where it was just as cold as he remembered it being. Once downstairs, he paused, not sure if Bastion wanted to get down to walk around or what it was that he wanted to do. ”We are here, where I wanted to show you. Would you like to get down master?” He asked him before he took a few steps in and looked around. From his past experiences with torture and chambers, this would be a good place to do it. ”It is out of the way and far enough underground that it would be difficult for someone to hear screams. There is also only one way in and one way out but if you want another secret exit could be made for you in the case of something happening,” he explained as he looked back around him, his ears swiveling for any sounds from the canine on his back. ”It is dark down here, no natural light, so it would be good for sensory deprivation, it would make a prisoner go crazy even, and it is cold down here, it would help keep prisoners conscious for longer and more alert and would make them feel everything more. What do you think?” He asked his master, obviously hoping that he would get some good feedback from Bastion, or at least be told that he had done well.

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